Treasure Blog

Widow's Mite
October 03, 2024

Widow's Mite

Widow's Mite

Authentic Widow's Mite
The mite is the smallest of all Roman coins (close to the size of a dime).

Denomination: Prutah (Bronze) Date: 103 – 76 BCE

The Widow’s Mite was minted in the holy land over 2000 years ago during the reign of King Alexander Jannaeus in the century preceding the birth of Jesus. What makes these coins of great historical and religious importance is that twice in the bible, Jesus is quoted telling the story of the poor widow who gave all that she had which was just two mites.

These coins are an actual part of the historical record - a unique, ancient artifact that was handled and used in the market stalls by villagers, desert traders, holy men and Roman soldiers alike in everyday transactions.

Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury, and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called into him his disciples, and sayeth unto them, "Verify I say onto you, this poor widow hath cast more in than all they which have cast into the treasury; for all that she had, even all her living.” -Mark, 12:41


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Spike Found on Atocha site
August 21, 2024

Spike Found on Atocha site

Cat!!! On the 1st day of her second year as a DARE Crew member located a 7” iron spike, 2.5 ft in the mud! Way to go Cat!! The crew is hot on the trail.

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Hi-Tech Deck
June 24, 2024

Hi-Tech Deck

We would like to thank Hi-Tech Deck on the work they did with the Parker. High-Tech Deck Specializes in the highest quality, non-slip EVA Closed Cell Non-Skid Proprietary Blend Marine Flooring on the market.

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Large piece of pottery found on Atocha site
June 11, 2024

Large piece of pottery found on Atocha site

To our Mel Fisher's Expedition member Jim Feldkamp who is now part of our "Treasure Finders" club. Jim found a large piece of pottery from the Atocha!

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How to care for your coin
May 04, 2024

How to care for your coin

Here are some tips to help you properly take care of your silver coins and jewelry.
Pure silver, as a noble metal, and its alloys are very susceptible to environmental
changes. Commonly, the old alloys (1500s – 1700s) were made of silver and
copper. Copper was mixed with the silver in order to increase the malleability of
the silver that was used in coins and jewelry.

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Salvage News
May 03, 2024

Salvage News

Summer's treasure-hunting season is on the horizon, and it's building up to be an exhilarating period. While we await calmer winds for the safety of our crew, we are diligently using this time to analyze data from our past surveys and strategize for doing much more surveying over the summer.

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São José Shipwreck
April 12, 2024

São José Shipwreck

With a date range from 1556 - 1622, the silver cobs found on the wreck of the São José represent some extremely unique and rare specimens, composed of an assortment of Old and New World mints.

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Mel Fisher Days 2024
March 28, 2024

Mel Fisher Days 2024

Mel Fisher Days 2024
In Sebastian, FL – “Where it All Began”

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Treasure Found on Atocha site!
March 08, 2024

Treasure Found on Atocha site!

We are happy to report that yesterday the Dare crew discovered a 3" spike and a silver coin on the Atocha site! 

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The Case of the Dyslexic Mint Worker
January 17, 2024

The Case of the Dyslexic Mint Worker

Reversed letters and design elements on silver “cob” coinage produced by the Potosi mint might have been the work of an employee suffering from a reading disorder.

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Remembering Mel Fisher - The World's Greatest Treasure Hunter
December 19, 2023

Remembering Mel Fisher - The World's Greatest Treasure Hunter

"I think that perseverance has paid. That's one of the main things, just hang in there and do your thing and when people try to tear you down or get jealous, just let it go in one ear and out the other and keep on going." - Mel Fisher

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Coin found on Atocha site
October 17, 2023

Coin found on Atocha site

The coin was found in the deep mud area just NW of the main pile find. The crew came back in due to inclement weather but will be going back out once conditions improve. Today's the day!

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See September 2023 Recent Finds
October 10, 2023

See September 2023 Recent Finds

Watch a video from latest finds in September 2023.

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Gun powder flask discovery
September 21, 2023

Gun powder flask discovery

We are excited to show you a recent discovery from our last trip. Pictured is a powder flask discovered on the Atocha site near the Bank of Spain. The powder flask would be used 

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Possibly the World's Oldest Dive Bell
September 15, 2023

Possibly the World's Oldest Dive Bell

Diving the depths to recover lost fortunes is actually not that new. For centuries man has longed to explore the underwater world. Recently, a find from Mel Fisher's salvages of the Santa Margarita has captured the interest of marine archaeologists. Read more...

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OTD April 28, 2011 Emerald and gold ring found
April 28, 2023

OTD April 28, 2011 Emerald and gold ring found

This gold & emerald ring was discovered on the Margarita shipwreck site.
This is a wonderful example of the baroque style of this time period.

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Artifact from the Atocha - Wooden Bed Post
April 18, 2023

Artifact from the Atocha - Wooden Bed Post

Turned Lignum Vitae Bed Post, found by the Dare on 10-18-2014
Excerpts from Research article by James Sinclair, MA
for Mel Fisher's Treasures
Perhaps one of the more unique finds from the Atocha is that of a turned wooden bed post. This fragment of opulent furniture was located not far from the Primary Cultural Deposit. The Wood was so hard that when first located crew believed that the object might be modern. The first order of investigation was to identify the type of wood that the bed post was made of.

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Atocha Cross
April 08, 2023

Atocha Cross

The Atocha Cross, discovered 1982

Here is a detailed drawing and images of one of Atocha's most magnificent discoveries, an exquisite emerald cross with an intricately etched image of St. Anthony and Christ child and the Madonna and child. Read more...

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Gold Chains of the 1622 Fleet
March 14, 2023

Gold Chains of the 1622 Fleet

Gold Chains of the 1622 Fleet
By James Sinclair

Perhaps one of the most unanticipated finds from the 1622 Fleet shipwrecks is the gold chains. This was a class of item that while expected turned up in numbers that were truly staggering. The first of the gold chains to be found came from the area where the first galleon anchor was found in the area of the Quicksands that was dubbed the Bank of Spain.

The first of the chains to be found was a small example but it none-the-less brought much excitement. Brought to the surface by photographer Don Kincaid, it was a thrilling moment for those involved. While some silver coins had been found, along with the galleon anchor, the presence of gold made the find that much more real and exciting.

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9 Carat Emerald Ring Found
March 07, 2023

9 Carat Emerald Ring Found

9 Carat Emerald Ring Found - June 2011

By James Sinclair

Continuing the wonderful finds from the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, on June 23, 2011 Capt. Andy Matroci and the crew of the J.B. Magruder have done it again! This time with the recovery of a beautiful emerald ring, two silver spoons and some silver coins. In the last Newsletter I mentioned in the article on the gold rosary find, that it may...

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Elaborate Gold Spoon
January 27, 2023

Elaborate Gold Spoon

This elaborately decorated spoon is one of the most beautiful artifacts from the Atocha. Intricate gold spoons like this one were often reserved for ceremonial purposes, such as dispensing holy water and consecrated wine or to distribute commodities of great value like sugar or salt.

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Emerald ring sells for $1.2 million at auction!
December 12, 2022

Emerald ring sells for $1.2 million at auction!

The Emerald Recovered From 400-Year-Old Shipwreck Raises $1.2 Million For Ukraine At Auction. All proceeds set to be donated to humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

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New Find on Atocha Site!
October 22, 2022

New Find on Atocha Site!

New discovery on the Atocha site! What appears to be a small musket ball was discovered. It is significantly smaller in size compared to other musket balls recovered. 

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So why did the Atocha have copper ingots?
October 17, 2022

So why did the Atocha have copper ingots?

One of the larger cargos put onboard the Atocha in 1622 for the return voyage to Spain was a 30,000-pound load of copper ingots. 582 copper ingots were loaded onboard the Atocha at Havana, Cuba, the Atocha’s final stop before sailing to Spain. The copper originated from the Cuban mine at Caridad del Cobre, owned by the Spanish crown. Only three ships carried this royal cargo of copper in the 1622 fleet - the Atocha, Santa Margarita, and Rosario...

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